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Year II: academic year 2008/2009

The Award IUS et SOCIETAS is conferred for essays containing the most interesting suggestions, views and questions related to the role of law and justice in society.

For the second year, the announcers and cooperating institutions have selected the following common theme:

Which judicial decision in the past 5 years should be included in the Basics of Social Science textbook for secondary schools and why?

The winners and their essays

1st prize – Mgr. Daniel Bartoň | Faculty of Law of Charles University in Prague

Essay: Případ Shabina Begum v. Denbigh High School aneb jde o šest palců (Case Shabina Begum v. Denbigh High School or six inches that matter)

Grant: 35,000 CZK

 Download the work (278.8 kB, Adobe Acrobat document)

2nd prize – Mgr. Michal Majchrák | Faculty of Law of Charles University in Prague

Essay: Esej na téma: Které soudní rozhodnutí za uplynulých 5 let by se mělo ocitnout v učebnici základů společenských věd pro střední školy a proč? (Which judicial decision in the past 5 years should be included in the Basics of Social Science textbook for secondary schools and why?)

Grant: 20,000 CZK

 Download the work (153.1 kB, Adobe Acrobat document)

3rd prize – JUDr. Mgr. Tomáš Břicháček | Faculty of Law of Charles University in Prague

Essay: „Lisabonský nález Ústavního soudu a kritéria pro ústavně souladný přenos pravomocí dle článku 10a Ústavy (“Lisbon ruling” of the Consitutional Court and criteria for consitutionally harmonious competence transfer based on Art. 10a of the Constitution)

Grant: 10,000 CZK

 Download the work (246.9 kB, Adobe Acrobat document)

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